Tuesday, July 06, 2004

Dumping Lines

Here are some lines I can think of when one needs to dump someone. :P
Which one you think can be used? I like 2, 6, 13 & 14. But it doesn't mean
I will use 'em!

1. Our values seems to be contradictory. Example, you place importance on
making money while I think money may be important, but it is better to
have a career that makes me grow rather than earn lots of money.
2. You can't afford me!
3. I think we have drifted apart, our communication stale.
4. I think we have drifted apart, our communication stale. And I've met
someone else...and we connected well. Please understand....
5. We are too different, I like to stay at home and rest, you like to go
out partying and socialising
6. I've met someone with a fabulous body. I need to upgrade
7. We just don't talk anymore!
8. I feel you are taking me for granted
9. I don't have plans to get married but you want to at 25
10. You are too negative, its draining my energy and motivation
11. I slept with someone else. I'm sorry.
12. I'm bored with you.
13. You aren't good in bed. I need better acrobats
14. You can't cook, neither can I. We'll starve to death
15. I need a wife and mother to my children, not someone fun to be with
16. You are going overseas for 2 years, its too long to be apart. I think
it won't work
17. You don't even have a good job!
18. I don't like your friends. Its either me or them. Choose
19. You are still staying with your mum! I don't want mummy's boy


At July 06, 2004 2:02 pm, Blogger Yu Ann said...

I vote for no.3 and no. 8 !!

At July 06, 2004 11:43 pm, Blogger Resurrected said...

Why so serious one? :P

Anyway, seriously, I would agree with your choices. No. 10 seems valid too, to me


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