Thursday, January 29, 2009


In a conversation a few months ago, with regards to the expectations for a man to at least meet the lifestyle requirements of the woman:

"You mentioned that there would be expectations and/or pressure for the guy to meet the lifestyle of the girl. I would agree that's the case most of the time. It's hard for a guy to date a girl who on her own, enjoys perhaps finer things in life (again, this is all relative of course) if there are expectations for him to partake or finance it.

But just a thought. Does that mean that guys would almost always seek economically equal or economically less able girls? And girls would almost always seek or accept guys who are economically more able or to a lesser extent, equal?"

Any thoughts?


At January 30, 2009 4:47 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

1) Guys would almost always seek economically equal or economically less able girls?
I'm not a guy, so I don't think i can give a fair comment on this... Any guys out there care to share their views?

2) Girls would almost always seek or accept guys who are economically more able or to a lesser extent, equal?
I reckon the key words here are "seek" and "accept". Generally, I believe a woman would SEEK a man who is economically more able than her if not of equal standing. That does not mean that the woman is being materialistic. It’s about being realistic. By the end of the day, there would be home loans to pay, children education to consider and of course the occasional holidays you may want to spoil your family with. Having financial security is always comforting.

But then it comes to the word ACCPET. This is where a woman may say "money is not everything". Other factors may come to play.. personality of the man and his compatibility with her are some common reasons for a lady to compromise the dollar factor.. Then again, exceptions do apply... Some ladies have no other prerequisites when it comes to "accepting" a man apart from the $ factor.. =)

At January 31, 2009 3:26 pm, Blogger Resurrected said...

Anon 4.47pm

1) For me, it's more of a power-gap (if there's such a phrase). I prefer a smaller power/influence gap. To an extent, economics play a role in this.

2) Well, money is not everything but it's something =) I guess we can say goodbye to fairytales


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