Thursday, April 19, 2007

The 17th Hour

Time to sleep. Fridays are always the longest. The week passed real quickly, I can't remember what I did. My neighbour told me I did a lot. I should try to figure out how exactly I spent my time.

Apparently I still look fresh after toiling for many hours for many days. Apparently this is my trade secret. :P Lilia, my team mate and classmate in school used to say the same thing. I hope I can sustain this over many many more years. I am working on improving my stamina.

I found a couch I could sleep on in the office, just in case. I have a pillow already.

I think what I do, what we do in the team isn't everyone's cup of tea. Especially when the tedious, mind numbing parts come into play.

I spent 30 minutes transferring more than 20 files with a trolley. Thank goodness the intern offered to help. The files were sliding off the darn trolley. I am not very patient, I push the trolley way too fast (still slow in my books). Urgh.

Good night world!


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