Friday, October 15, 2004

Attack What?

"He is planning to 'attack' soon."

Attack? She isn't some commodity you can claim, own or trade, or whatever. Whatever happened getting to know the person first instead of deciding to be interested even before knowing the person well.

Whatever happened to love. Granted you can't live on love and fresh air alone. But I'm an idealist (sometimes, before you start thinking I've gone mad, I know I am practical most of the time).

And the idealist in me dictates that you must know the person before moving headlong into any romantic situation (entanglement?). Well, you don't have to know everything about her. Just important stuff like values and general temperament for example. And also that X-factor. Yeah yeah I'm a sucker for superficial, unsubtstantiated feelings :P I conveniently label as the X-factor.

My opinion is, a plan of attack makes her sound like a prey, that she is a trophy to be owned. And I cannot accept that. A woman must berespected for who she is, she must have free will and must be treated right. And you must get to know her without hidden agendas. Then you can decide if you are in love, if there is such a thing(there is! there is such a thing called love dear boy!)

Yes, I may have been set off because I adore her. But this is very much in line with my opinions on such matters.


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