Sunday, November 14, 2004

A White Lie

What's the real difference between a 'normal' lie and a white lie. Isn't it a lie all the same? Isn't it a distortion of truth anyway you put it?

Can distortion of truth be justified on the mere assumption that it won't hurt or it would make the parties involved feel better? Can a white lie make the issues go away? Wouldn't it be better to resolve the issues?

Perhaps therein lies the problem. Resolution may not always be in the best interest of ourselves. Leaving a problem/issue as it is means less hardship anyway.

So when was your last white lie?


At November 14, 2004 10:39 pm, Blogger iblogme said...

My last white lie? It must have been something insignificant for I forgot what it was. It must have been one said during the course of my work. Teeny white lies, of course. Not that kind where you report a profit when you are actually making a loss. :D

At November 15, 2004 8:26 am, Blogger Resurrected said...

iblogme : so insignificance is the key to see if a white lie is passable?

At November 15, 2004 11:01 am, Blogger iblogme said...

no, a lie is still a lie, even if it's coloured white. :)

At November 15, 2004 11:56 am, Blogger Resurrected said...

Hmm, but can a lie be justified? I think it can. But where do you draw the line?

At November 16, 2004 5:19 am, Blogger iblogme said...


it is difficult to draw line. It all depends on the context of the lie - why, when, where, how, etc etc. As such, I can see no fixed line.


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