Thursday, November 04, 2004

Some People Are Just Pain

Email received from pain in the neck of the office who has nothing better to do. Wonder if it is because appraisal & bonus is near :

Dear All,
At 10.41 am today I went to the Pantry & found the tap running.
Such carelessness is wasteful not only in monetary terms to the Company
but to the environment as clean water is a very precious & diminishing
natural asset.
So I appeal to everyone to exercise more care & ensure that you turn off
the tap properly and completely after use.
Thank you for your cooperation.


Draft email for me to steal the thunder from pain in the neck :

I went to the pantry and found the lights switched on. There wasn't anyone there. I now order all of you to make sure the lights are not switched on when no one is in the pantry.

Petroleum prices are higher than ever before, reaching a peak of US$ 55.30 per barrel. More than half our electricity comes from petroleum based power plants. We need to use less for the sake of humanity and our children and children's children.

Those not switching off the pantry lights should not have children because they do not know how to be responsible for the future generation.

If we don't comply, we all will die and it will be the end of the world when we run out of petroleum.

Thank you.


At November 05, 2004 12:31 am, Blogger iblogme said...

Your draft email should be sent. Anything for Mother Earth, I say. LOL.

At November 05, 2004 11:31 am, Blogger mediha_m said...

Some people are born to be pain-in-the-necks.
I've got one here too...
Sad, pathetic, little people...

I wish we could pay them to stay home instead of making the rest of us annoyed here in the office...

At November 05, 2004 4:41 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

or rather people like these should pay to come to work so that other people get some kind of benefit for putting up with their crap.

anyway, i would send the draft email... maybe from someone else's email. hahaha...


At November 05, 2004 11:38 pm, Blogger Resurrected said...

iblogme & magic : Cannot! I'll get in lots of trouble. Already deemed weird & scary at workplace

maverix & magic : heh, yeah. i wonder if i'm a pain in the neck too for being such a stickler for time and accuracy at work :P


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