Monday, May 30, 2005

A Different Monday

This is the first Monday in many years where I don't have any work or studying to worry about. Three days of carefreeness is enough. More like one day of fun outing and two days of long siestas. I got bored and now in desperate need to regain my groove. :P Well, Friday was amazingly good, bad movie but great company. Yes, you are missed ;)

I haven't had potato wedges at Dome's for a while and when I did last week, I think it looked shrunk. Is it just me, or it really shrank? The wedges looked shrivelled and well, small. That is not how I remember the potato wedges there. Oh well, at least the sandwiches didn't shrink. Or did they? Hmmm. Oh and apparently Jojo Struys was there when we ate. But I didn't turn around to look :P Yes, my date, oops, not date but my erm, meeting counterpart was too enthralling. Anyway, I'm no big celebrity watcher, hence the lack of interest.

I watched Amelie, again. Well, I haven't watched it for a while, and it is one movie I really enjoy. Ah yes, the movie gives much relief to introverts like myself. And this time around, I sat there and realised why I like it so much. I can comprehend and relate to Amelie's worries and imagination. Yes, I can go haywire with my sense of imagination. And the worries. And of taking the plunge.

Now the question would be, what do I do for the next two months?


At October 06, 2005 12:49 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi!there. Was googling my name out of curiosity n your blog site popped up. I think Amelie's a great movie. They establish her loneliness so vividly in the first five minutes, cheers

At October 18, 2005 1:33 pm, Blogger Resurrected said...

Your name is Amelie? Do drop by often yeah.


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