Have you ever been in a situation when you feel you have been wronged, and the accounts of certain situations by someone else seems delusional at best, and there are misconceptions and semi-truths that need to be cleared, and yet, you can't say anything about it?
Now, the only reason why I can't respond is because I know my response will be hurtful and will open a can of premium worms. I'm too lazy to be confrontational and too lazy to defend myself although I do have a draft response. Thank goodness it is only on MS Word and not in my email drafts, else I might have clicked Send.
It seems like someone close to me is out to shoot me down or just plain misrepresent me. It is quite amazing someone that's supposedly close to me can show such inaccurate knowledge of me. I can't imagine how a friend can be so self-conceited. Added to the fact that this friend seems to have a major case of selective amnesia. No, I don't keep scores, but sometimes it is too damn obvious when things are being overlooked.
I'm not angry about it at all. Just disappointed. And amused. Yup, it kept me amused for one weekend, reading it and composing a response that I would never send. Was shaking my head, smiling and chuckling. The contents were quite weird, and the logical flow a bit skewed, and littered with contradictions. I'm still amused. I know it sounds mean, but really, I'm amused. I think the person was expecting some form of outburst. Hmm, come to think of it, I'm not sure what the person was out to achieve? I mean, a nice response with equally deluded apologies from me (I can pretend to be a mental patient)? No response from me? A tongue lashing from me? A sarcastic note from me? A call to have coffee with me? Pretend everything is hunky dory?
I'll just do what I normally do, which is not to respond when provoked. Yes, because if I respond, someone's gonna get hurt, badly. No point making the situation worse. It takes a lot to hold my tongue, but I believe in the faith I have in my friends. It is probably a temporary oversight done on an unstable emotional state. So there, my arms of friendship is still open, as always. Through thick and thin, that's my little friendship policy. :)