Friday, July 30, 2004

A Promise

Sometimes when I see a Chinese couple walking together, I wonder if it is him. The man that you loved so much, that you didn't see that you've been cheated of what could be the best years of your life. The man who broke your heart, again and again. The man that made you cry through many sleepless nights, and days. The man who promised to show up but didn't. The man that left you all alone in your room when you needed him. The man that betrayed your trust. The man that married someone else but still professes his love for you and, God, you believed him. The greedy man that doesn't deserve such loyalty, devotion and love from you.

You must know you deserve the best. And you deserve the love and care. There is another man I know of , who isn't perfect but is a decent human being and a very caring and passionate one too. A man with all his flaws, will stand by you through thick and thin. The strange thing is, you told me, he is so much better than anyone you know, yet you can't accept him that way. I guess you aren't ready for him and I think it is right to want to be alone for a while after such turmoil. But don't let the reason be because you think he is too good to be true, because as your friend, I think there is no such thing as too good for you. Perhaps you should give him a chance when you are ready. Hopefully he doesn't change his mind then. Even if he does, I'm sure a wonderful woman like you can have someone to call, in your words, "the love of my life".

It pains me to know the hurt and misery you have gone through. I may not fully comprehend it. But I see it in your eyes and hear it in your words and sense it when I meet you. I wish I can ease your pain and provide you comfort, but I can't. Not without complicating things further. I know you wouldn't want that either.

I'm glad you are back on your feet, rebuilding your life. I'm happy to see you so determined to move on and live life to the fullest. There's one thing though I think you shouldn't do, is to run away from this big ugly city. It is not really smart in the long run, career-wise. But even then, I'll support your move, if it makes you happy. I would wish you all the best. And I hope our paths cross again in the near future. I hope you find happiness. Either way, do know that you'll always have my firm friendship. That's a promise.

Thursday, July 29, 2004

Debut Album

When and where to catch Shelley Leong live and buy her debut album :)

Chill Out Series At Starbucks KL Plaza
30 July, Friday 8pm - 10pm. (her slot is at 8.30pm)

Chill Out Series At Starbucks Ikano
1 August, Sunday 6pm - 8.30pm (her slot is at 6.30pm)

What's Love?

Here's a post in response to What Is It That You Are Drinking. Something from Kahlil Gibran.

On Love

Then said Almitra, "Speak to us of Love."
And he raised his head and looked upon the people, and there fell a stillness upon them. And with a great voice he said:
When love beckons to you follow him,
Though his ways are hard and steep.
And when his wings enfold you yield to him,
Though the sword hidden among his pinions may wound you.
And when he speaks to you believe in him,
Though his voice may shatter your dreams as the north wind lays waste the garden.
For even as love crowns you so shall he crucify you. Even as he is for your growth so is he for your pruning.
Even as he ascends to your height and caresses your tenderest branches that quiver in the sun,
So shall he descend to your roots and shake them in their clinging to the earth.
Like sheaves of corn he gathers you unto himself.
He threshes you to make you naked,
He sifts you to free you from your husks.
He grinds you to whiteness.
He kneads you until you are pliant;
And then he assigns you to his sacred fire, that you may become sacred bread for God's sacred feast.
All these things shall love do unto you that you may know the secrets of your heart, and in that knowledge become a fragment of Life's heart.
But if in your fear you would seek only love's peace and love's pleasure,
Then it is better for you that you cover your nakedness and pass out of love's threshing-floor,
Into the seasonless world where you shall laugh, but not all of your laughter, and weep, but not all of your tears.
Love gives naught but itself and takes naught but from itself.
Love possesses not nor would it be possessed;
For love is sufficient unto love.
When you love you should not say, "God is in my heart," but rather, I am in the heart of God."
And think not you can direct the course of love, for love, if it finds you worthy, directs your course.
Love has no other desire but to fulfil itself.
But if you love and must needs have desires, let these be your desires:
To melt and be like a running brook that sings its melody to the night.
To know the pain of too much tenderness.
To be wounded by your own understanding of love;
And to bleed willingly and joyfully.
To wake at dawn with a winged heart and give thanks for another day of loving;
To rest at the noon hour and meditate love's ecstasy;
To return home at eventide with gratitude;
And then to sleep with a prayer for the beloved in your heart and a song of praise upon your lips.

by Kahlil Gibran, in The Prophet

Have a great weekend :)

A Day Off

Spent the day MACEE for quick chat, they wanted to know if I can speak English :P Its part of the application process. Then had lunch with Zyen. After which I went on a wild goose chase for this specific pair of shoes, which took me from 1Utama (with a stopover at Ikano for more books :P at 10% discount, thanks to my Popular Card) to KLCC to Alpha Angle. I found the exact colour and design I wanted, with my size. And its not even an expensive pair of shoes :P Goodness, I must be neurotic.

'sigh' The things I do.

On another note to the Thai Boxing Girl : Are you gonna watch "The Beautiful Boxer"? :P

Speaking of movies, I haven't watched Kill Bill Vol.2, :( and I don't think I'll have the chance to, the time at TGV KLCC and GSC MV not right for me. Ah well, looking forward to I,Robot and House of Flying Daggers.

Back to work tomorrow. And more work during the weekend and the next week. It's gonna be crazy looking at it.

And oh, my PC is back. Only a minor repair job.

Wednesday, July 28, 2004

The Malaysian Bar Council and the Canadian High Commission

The Malaysian Bar Council and the Canadian High Commission are proud to be co-sponsoring a public forum on human rights featuring the prominent Canadian author and human rights activist Mr. Ken Wiwa. The theme for the event, which will take place at the Bar Council Auditorium from 15:00 to 17:00 on Friday, July 30, is 'Universal Jurisdiction on Human Rights: Is it Time?'. Members of the public are invited to attend.

Ken Wiwa is an author, journalist and broadcaster. A weekly columnist for the Toronto Globe and Mail, he writes on cultural and political issues.  He worked for The Guardian in the United Kingdom for two years and at Vanguard Newspaper in Nigeria where he was a columnist. Internationally his journalism has appeared in South Africa, Germany, the United States and Holland.

As a broadcaster, Ken Wiwa has presented programmes for the BBC and documentaries for Channel 4, the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC) and BBC Radio 4. He also writes commentaries for National Public Radio.

His first book, In the Shadow of a Saint, was published in six countries and won the 2002 Hurston-Wright Foundation non-fiction award.  Ken Wiwa divides his time between Canada and Nigeria. He is a Saul Rae
Fellow at the Munk Centre for International Studies, a mentor at the Trudeau Foundation and a senior resident of Massey College at the University of Toronto.

Panellists invited to speak along with Mr. Wiwa include Y. Bhg. Tan Sri Abu Talib Othman, Chairman, SUHAKAM; Mr. Cecil Rajendra, M/s Cecil Rajendra & Associates; Mr. Sivarasa Rasiah, Daim & Gamany Advocates & Solicitors; and Y. Bhg. Dato' Param Cumaraswamy.

Tuesday, July 27, 2004

Time Out? Probably Not :P

My PC died on me. I have no internet access for now. And I have no time to get it fixed. Any volunteers to pick up my PC and send it for repairs? :P

I feel helpless without my PC. I have something important to do. I have no choice but to complete it in office.

It is amazing how dependent we are on technology. And I realised I'm quite an internet junkie. Perhaps this enforced leave from the internet will do me some good. I'll miss spending my time reading certain blogs though ;)

Yikes! But I won't be able to get my exam results which will be sent to my  Streamyx mail this Friday.

Monday, July 26, 2004

What the....?

Saw this scene at Isetan KLCC yesterday. Girl walking with guy. Guy says, quite angrily "Let's leave, I'm not in the mood". And he walks off. Girl tries to catch up, said please. Was tugging at the sleeve of his shirt.

That was pathetic. You do not bring a girl to a shopping mall, during a sale and throw a tantrum like that. I don't know what the issue was, but there was no excuse for a public display of his displeasure and sulkiness.

Floods in the Indian sub-continent

Death Toll

India 545
Bangladesh 227
Nepal 102
Pakistan 2

11 Reasons Why Resurrected Can(not) Date Abby

He can count, sometimes. And there's always the calculator that is always with him (boring accounting person)

He has tonnes of books and magazine not read but he is still buying. They share the same passion for hoarding. Perhaps they can leave some at each other's place before they get more bookshelves. Convenient when running out of space.

He is very used to waiting. He has been well-trained by other females, who may or may not be better at Math. Usually, he drives around the block again and again to keep himself entertained. So far, he has never been stopped by security guards or neighbourhood patrols or police officers for this. Sometimes he gets stared at, and that's the cue to use another street.

Marx who? What's wrong with Richard Marx anyway? :P He can pretend to enjoy such movies. Sitting in the dark cinema is one of his favourite activities. And he thinks Virginie Ledoyen is a real hot babe. Especially when she speaks a language he can't comprehend. To him, all he hears is "Come to me, make my day".

He hasn't got much money to begin with. She can help ensure he closes all his bank accounts and thus help another soul out of the capitalist clutch. He can then join a monastery or a mission.

He needa Englisho lessona. He spelt Massachusetts wrongly while filling up an important application form. And he loves "teachers". And wouldn't mind free books. But that doesn't mean he will read the books.

He does not eat tortoises. And a pet owner has untold powers on him. Just threaten to carry a furry little thing to his hands, and he will obey her wishes so that she won't do that.

He found that quote amusing. And he thinks that's the real reason why people join the army. Proven in Iraq. He may join the army too. He finds men and women in uniform intriguing.

She need not worry about needing space. She'll get plenty of space because he plays the disappearing act often. Once, he disappeared from this girl during the World Cup 2002 Final and she hasn't heard from him since (or was it the other way round?). And he has what his ex terms as "your harem" to keep him entertained, so she need not feel guilty about shutting him out. The supply is dwindling though, and he needs to replenish.

He adores women that are taller (assuming she is taller,Abby does look taller than him). He has to look up to them constantly and therefore, is worshipping them. Taller women adore him for other reasons. Women in general adore him for the same reasons.

He is the farce.


Saturday, July 24, 2004

Waste of time

It is very annoying when one has to wait for information from so many
parties. It is worse if I come in on a Saturday afternoon and find that
the information promised have not arrived or incomplete. This is further
compounded by the fact I have a million things to do and have no
direction. That's it. I've reached my limit. I'm leaving.

Have a good weekend! :)

Thursday, July 22, 2004

Close stranger

You walked past me
Not a nod
Not a smile
How did we come to this?

Our time was precious
The talk
The moments
What have we done?

There is so much to say
We aren't saying
We are running
Away far away

Must we do this?
Only for you I take this
Painful as it may be

How long more must I wait?
Or will we be strangers
With a past worth remembering?


Lingering dread
Over my head
Sense I cannot
Thoughts missing

Just as I move
Enter fences
Shadows blocking
Save me please

Wednesday, July 21, 2004

Where will I be?

Based on reality
Away I must go
Based on dreams
You would want me to stay

I can keep on dreaming I guess :P

I'm keeping myself amused with loads of application forms for postgraduate studies. I'm not even sure why I'm doing this. Perhaps I'm running away.

The Fullbright Program is apparently "a respected program of academic exchange for the promotion of global understanding and peace". Has anyone applied for this before? I would like to get some information from your first hand experience at this.

But I'm not exactly keen on American programmes at the moment. Would prefer the Old World. Yes, I'm a sucker for rich long history, culture and architecture. And I haven't been out of Australasia!

Anyway, beggars can't be choosers :P

Speaking of scholarships, I found out that someone with the same results as I did in SPM (O levels equivalent) but less outstanding in extracurricular activities obtained a full Petronas scholarship to do medicine in Melbourne recently. I wasn't even called up for the shortlist of 50 people for the same scholarship during my time (I had a keen interest in genetic science then). I was also not shortlisted for the JPA scholarship, and again I found out that people with weaker scores were shortlisted.

We have a shortage of medical officers and are forced to employ doctors from Myanmar and a host of other countries. Yet, we can't give the straight As students that want to do medicine places and scholarships.
Instead they were given loans to study medicine in private colleges. As for JPA scholars, some were sent to Ukraine and Russia, while some got to study in UK and Australia. Now, I'm not saying tertiary education in
Ukraine/Russia is bad, I'm no expert in this area. But what I see is discrepancies in the handling of the scholars. Obviously, education in UK would be more expensive. So the amount of money spent seems to have no correlation with the merit of the scholar.

And JPA scholarship application forms left a big hurtful impression on me, for medicine in UK, if was written "Only Bumiputras need apply". Naive me, coming from a typical Catholic Mission school never had to come face to face with this social reality. It was never an issue, till I stepped out of school. All the idealism I had crumbled. Yes, I had an inkling beforehand, but to deal with it was harder. This was made worse by my 4
years in a public Malaysian university, but that's another long story altogether.

And speaking of public universities entry, shouldn't there be a common standard of evaluation for applicants? Instead, we have 2 streams, STPM (A levels equivalent) and matriculation in public universities. Like it or
not, the reality is STPM is more difficult. If matriculation results can be accepted, why can't A Levels or SAM or CPU or Senior Middle 3 (is that correct, the private Chinese schools exams?) be accepted? You can't really
contend that these widely recognised pre-university qualifications aren't good enough.

You can't wonder why there is a brain drain in our country if this sort of selection process happens. I can understand the reasons why some friends and family members prefer not to come home.

Tuesday, July 20, 2004

Lunch break

I have had it with people who writes 31st as 31th !!!!!!

:P Getting cranky and hungry. Me want Burger King's French something Burger. But here no Burger King. I should stop eating burgers because I look like one.

Should be a good boy and eat cheap chap fan. I should stop spending so much on food. It is plain wasteful because we only need nutrients, but we weaklings want taste. Weak humans, weak. Hmm, should join forces with the Borgs. They are more efficient. And no human weakness, the excesses and inefficiencies that plague us.

I need more Star Trek movies. No new ones coming up? Picard is sexy. About the only man I would think so. I have a thing for highly cerebral men and women. Yes, even if they are wearing heavy rimmed glasses, crouched over a lab table in their white coats. I find smart women intriguing. Even more so if she is successful, in her thirties and drive a BMW 3 series. I want to know what makes them tick.

I love work. Its the punishment I inflict upon myself for all the sins I have committed. Work to your death! And when I work long hours, I need not deal with the mess of human relationships. No one will call me for dinners or drinks, because they know I work. No one will ask me out on weekends because I work. No one that matters will meet me when I work. When that happens, I have no expectations of them. Which is good, they can't disappoint me. Sad to say, I'm just another weak human. I do need you.

I better stop. I'm writing nonsense.


And that cocky bastard is 45 minutes late. Plays truant whenever the boss
is not around. But bitches about people coming to work late. Hypocrite.

Love Rainy Mornings...But Only In Bed

Dum dum di dum dum. Lala la lala.

Rainy mornings are good. Except for the fact I knocked down a bicycle
while getting out of the house :P That sure pissed me off big time. And I
think my previous post is missing, don't see it at all.

But I'm calm now. Calm.

Yet, I don't feel like doing anything productive. Then again, who says my
work is productive in the first place. Whose life is improved by the work
I do? Who is happier because of my contribution at work? Who gets
motivated to improve their lot by the work I do?

Questions, questions, questions.

I need answers.

I need a good book, a nice bed and a cup of hot coffee. But I'm sitting in
a semi-cubicle under bright lights, at a plain grey table. I should be in
bed. Or maybe not, maybe I should be sitting on that under-utilised
exercise thing. Or take a walk in the park with the rain/drizzle and wet
jogging tracks. Or take a drive up to Ipoh and enjoy the cool weather in
peace. Not here, really.

Monday, July 19, 2004


And he writes poor rotten English too.

I'm pissed not because he has poor language skills, but I think he doesn't deserve what he has, with his inability to improve even after so many years of exposure, at the expense of the 5% tax we pay at McDonalds and more.

And he is rude and have no social graces and no whatsoever leadership qualities. His subordinates hate him. He screwed up and covered up. So why the hell is he still here?  What is wrong with these Malaysian companies? They don't know how to employ the right people. In the land of the blind, the one eyed jack is king. That's exactly what's happening here.

And this man has been known to stifle any younger smart people and force them out, whether subordinates or contemporaries. I've seen it with my own eyes. He fears intelligent people. He fears to lose to them. He surrounds himself with inept new recruits. He is highly insecure. He surround himself with subordinates that won't threaten him (read incompetent).

And I know he fears me the same way. But for goodness sake, I'm ten years behind. And I have no whatsoever desire nor ambition to compete with individuals from a lower form of life. I'm much better than that :P
I can't stand working with people like this. I know he hates it as he was forced by the bosses to work with me. Haha, too bad for you low life! I know I make you look uncouth and inept, but you are! And you'll never be better because you refuse to improve yourself.

And when I move on soon, you'll stay rotten in your imaginary world.

Still Rambling

How can anyone spend 4 years in UK, on a government scholarship and return here with bad English?! Total waste of money. So many other more deserving people around!!!!!!!!! And spend 10 years in the mainly English speaking corporate arena, and still not improve on his English and social graces!!!! Kebodohan yang luarbiasa. Urgh! And he still gets to move up the ladder! Amazing. Screwed up. What does this say about corporate Malaysia? And the powers to be wonders why we can't compete.


And I hopes he just drops dead. Saves me the trouble.

On another note, I think facing the monitor daily is causing my eyes to be tired. I should try to take breaks. And not work long hours.

I need to make some big changes. I started with this blog. What's next?

I always thought it would be good if we can create an online database with up to date information about orphanages, old folks home, et cetera. This way, we can have a reliable source of information on the needs of these organisations. At the moment, I have not acquired the skills required to do this and lack the time to do this. Any takers?

I wonder if I should take a long leave from work of a year or so. That would be great to concentrate on my studies and spend time doing things I want to do.

Monday ramblings

It is Monday and murderous thoughts are running through my head.

I despise this particular person. Rude, bossy and thinks he is the greatest corporate high flyer around. Thinks nothing of using other people to get his way. And absolutely lazy and irresponsible. Only interested to
score points with the bosses. I have no respect for him. To me he is only an inarticulate man who speaks poor English but pretends he is the best and he giggles like those insecure teenage boy, whom I believe he is at a
level below that when it comes to his emotional intelligence. The type of idiots I have to face daily, a wannabe with no substance and no class.  Cocky bastard. Insecure weakling. Heartless pain in the neck. I will
destroy you one day!!!!!!

And this woman who is absolutely lazy as well, only interested to pass the buck and chat on the phone endlessly and pretend to be busy afterhours to look impressive. Inarticulate as well. But at least she is not cocky like that arsehole. An avid churchgoer apparently. But isn't work a vocation to God? So why being so unprofessional? I have no intellectual nor professional respect for her.

Urgh! I can kill these people.

Why can't people just be good and work hard and be professional at work? I know, I know I sound bloody naive when I said that. Can't blame me for hoping.

I shall fight. And I shall be the winner. :P

Sunday, July 18, 2004

Dreaded Night

'sigh' Its Sunday night again. And its a brand new week of battles. I long for the days when I was actually looking forward to a brand new week. I've seem to have lost it.

I may have to take a trip down memory lane on Saturday, a trip to JB. Anyone wants to come along? I will probably leave KL real early, at 5 a.m. and return to KL on Saturday evening or Sunday morning.

My car needs repairs of RM 1500- 2000. Its gonna be stuck in the workshop for 3 days. Hmm, I think I have spent quite a sum so far, but its still cheaper than buying a brand new Proton. I thoroughly enjoy driving this car although its 7 years old :)

King Arthur wasn't so good. I just didn't feel satisfied after watching it. And I didn't get enough of Guinevere, played by Keira Knightley :P

Friday, July 16, 2004


It such a big cliche to say time heals. What's that suppose to mean? The pain and hurt will just go away, with time? Do we sit around and let the pain fade? Does that ever work? I doubt time actually heals, the scars are permanently imprinted in our consciousness or sub-conscious. I think its just that we get busy getting on with our lives and find substitutes to make us feel good. And there's nothing like having your heart broken or trampled upon by someone you care for dearly. How does that pain ever go away? Mine pain still hurts. How about yours?


Gosh, my headache is killing me. After effects of too many late nights at work. But its already 11 a.m., a bit too late to leave office to rest. Hope I can soldier on till 5.30 p.m. I dare not take those relaxants this time, I think its a bit too powerful. Pain, pain, pain, go away. Looking forward to a relaxing and productive weekend.

Thursday, July 15, 2004

Midweek and counting down

It has been just two days of meeting people, old and new. On Tuesday evening, met up with Isaac and caught up with news from the La Salle Centre and Formation Team. Also met up with Eric and Jerald plus Navin the same evening. It was nice to meet old faces, and catching up. Especially when they are from an important phase of my life. However, I didn't get to join them when they met up with other people later as I had to return to the office. Anyhow, it was great to see you guys :)

Yesterday, I spent the whole afternoon and evening in a gathering for Yayasan Sime Darby (YSD) scholars, all serving our contracts in the Sime Darby Group. It was an opportunity for us to air our grievances and clarify matters.

From the responses in a survey carried prior to this gathering, it was apparent that there is a substantial number of people feeling unhappy about the way their careers have been progressing (or not progressing) within the Group and disastisfied with the lack of a support system for them.

We had an introduction session on YSD, where statistics were given to us, such as there are 114 of us in the Group now, yadda, yadda, yadda. Then we were broken up into 4 groups to discuss issues concerning the scholars. I was in the group discussion if YSD scholars should be given special treatment. Our group was a bit different as we were required to break up further into 2 sub groups, and take opposing views, culminating in a debate. 3 persons from each side debated. The other 3 groups were required
to present pros and cons on their respective topics.

It was fun to debate again after a hiatus of nearly 4 years, in a relaxed environment. Ayaz, on the opposing team was really good and I enjoyed listening to his speech. I had 2 really intelligent teammates as well. And the group discussion was lively, where we shared our experiences working in Sime.

We then had a dialogue session with our Group CEO, Dato' Zubir, who incidentally used to be the Managing Director at my current workplace. It was good that he is taking an interest in our progress and taking steps to monitor and chart our progress careerwise. I hope things will get better for all of us. As one Natasha puts it, some of us are rotting. I do empathise with that statement. Many of us can do so much more, add so much more value than what we are doing now.

If we are going to be bonded, it should be partnership. And in a
partnership, both parties must communicate and work things out together. I believe most of us do our part, by being really committed to our jobs. And like any partnership, we expect some form of feedback and channel. What's the point of having the bond if we don't manage it?

Bowling was cancelled as we were running late. Dinner was ok. It was by the poolside. Barbequed stuff. There was a karaoke competition, and Nadiah won. She sang a Sheila Majid song. Was it Antara Anyir dan Jakarta? Albert gave a rendition of Starry, Starry Night. It was nice to meet new people and old faces alike.

Work is getting crazier. I have just being asked to look at a dormant company's accounts in Singapore. And I hate being dumped things like this. This is not the first time I'm being dumped with really dead things, that adds no value to the company and my career. It is just because no one wants to do it because you can't score points with it. Bullies! Its not even in my job specs when I first took this new posting. No one can blame me if I just pack up and leave, regardless of what bright potential management thinks I have. I don't care, I'll take off earlier than usual today. Better to go browse in a bookstore or catch a movie than sitting around here.

Saturday, July 10, 2004

The Wall

It disturbs me greatly as I know the ICJ decision on that the wall Israel built in the West Bank is illegal and should be demolished, will be conveniently ignored by Israel and its loyal ally. The court said the barrier violated international humanitarian law, but the problem is it is a non-binding opinion/decision. This is in addition to the resolution of the UN General Assembly October last year on this issue. Shows how toothless world justice and law & order is. However the Israeli high court did rule that the wall should be re-routed as it infringes on the Palestinians' freedon of movement. But it seems the government is bent on continuing with the construction

Israel's reason for building this wall that is planned to traverse 600 kilometres is to prevent "Palestinian terror". I can't help but shake my head and laugh. A mighty nation like Israel can't deal with pockets of suicide bomb attacks? Perhaps she should examine what's the reason for the attacks. For fun perhaps? Or the Palestinians just love blowing themselves up?

This conflict has gone on long enough. History will show the various wrongs perpetuated by the Israeli regime. At the same time, it cannot be denied that there is blood on both hands, the Palestinians' use of violence and terror in the past still haunts the peace process.

I won't judge who is right or wrong although I do have a strong opinion on that. What irks me is the inability of people to get some sense into their heads and stop this conflict already. Its getting sickening and tiring to see old fogeys and young turks alike not being able to see that they must give peace a chance. And yes there will be sacrifices or concessions that have to be given by both parties. But in my humble opinion, life must go on, and peace will help us get there.

Friday, July 09, 2004

Accidental Calls

I accidentally gave a call to someone I wasn't suppose to call. And I didn't even know about it. :P I was sure she thought it was something real important when she saw my name flashing on the screen. I am not supposed to be contacting her for a while until she does, that's the agreement. The things in my pocket must have pressed against her speed dial. So she called my office phone to ask. And I said, "No, I didn't call" and put down the phone. Then I checked my phone. Yup, her number was dialed but it was an accident! So I sheepishly called her and told her so.

Lessons learnt from this :

1. Delete her name from the speed dial, for now, till we are
on talking terms again soon
2. Remember to lock the keypad. This wasn’t the first time. I
think it was the second time with her :P

Thursday, July 08, 2004


A big shoutout to Zyen on her birthday.


Any chance I can get you drunk and watch you puke all over the place? :P Anyway, you are a great friend. And absolutely gorgeous ;) Enjoy yourself!

Late night

Still at work. My goodness I'm tired and the VPN server is killing me. and
the Balance Sheet and Forecast are driving me crazy. I need to shower.
Geez, and its half an hour drive from home! :(

Wednesday, July 07, 2004


I should be going to bed soon. Prawn burger at McDs was good. A change from the normal. Was greedy and bought 'prawn wrappers' too. It is basically prawns wrapped in popiah-like skin and deep fried. Highly unhealthy. If I'm not wrong prawns are high in cholesterol too. Well, I guess once in a long long while wouldn't do much harm if you want something different. I like prawns but normally to lazy to deal with prawns still in the shell. Pampered brat wants other people to get rid of the shell. But nowadays not as spoilt anymore :P No housemates to bug.

Had a long day at work. Was busy fiddling with the accounts :P Sort of screwed up something due to miscommunication with my immediate boss. Ended up with unexpected low profit when earlier we told management we were profitable last month. And I swear I didn't hear my boss wrongly when she asked me not to adjust that particular thing. But she adjusted on the bottomhalf and I didn't adjust the top half of the P&L in the end. Big mistake.

Another long day ahead.

Tuesday, July 06, 2004

Camera For Sale

For Sale :

Sony Cybershot U50
Selling Price RM 800 negotiable
Retail Price RM 1,088
Brand new

Please drop a note on the tag board if interested


Sometimes I don't know
Sometimes I know
I should turn my back to you

It hurts me so
Not being able to hold you close

To make you smile
And hear your laughter
It would make my day

Sometimes I don't think
Sometimes I do think
Its better without me, for you

It makes me blue
Not being able to be your love

To make you happy
And share our lives
It would make us one

- Resurrected, June 2004

Dumping Lines

Here are some lines I can think of when one needs to dump someone. :P
Which one you think can be used? I like 2, 6, 13 & 14. But it doesn't mean
I will use 'em!

1. Our values seems to be contradictory. Example, you place importance on
making money while I think money may be important, but it is better to
have a career that makes me grow rather than earn lots of money.
2. You can't afford me!
3. I think we have drifted apart, our communication stale.
4. I think we have drifted apart, our communication stale. And I've met
someone else...and we connected well. Please understand....
5. We are too different, I like to stay at home and rest, you like to go
out partying and socialising
6. I've met someone with a fabulous body. I need to upgrade
7. We just don't talk anymore!
8. I feel you are taking me for granted
9. I don't have plans to get married but you want to at 25
10. You are too negative, its draining my energy and motivation
11. I slept with someone else. I'm sorry.
12. I'm bored with you.
13. You aren't good in bed. I need better acrobats
14. You can't cook, neither can I. We'll starve to death
15. I need a wife and mother to my children, not someone fun to be with
16. You are going overseas for 2 years, its too long to be apart. I think
it won't work
17. You don't even have a good job!
18. I don't like your friends. Its either me or them. Choose
19. You are still staying with your mum! I don't want mummy's boy

Monday, July 05, 2004

Too tired

First class for the new term tonight. Feeling too tired to write.
Anyway, just found out that there is such a thing as Prawn Burger at McDonalds. Didn't buy it though. Cost RM 7.80. Perhaps will try it for lunch tomorrow. Can't find it on the menu display at their Malaysian site though


Geez, what was I thinking?

I meant : Condolences to his family and loved ones. Rest in peace.


A colleague just passed away this morning, heart attack. He seemed
healthy. A man with a big smile on his face daily.

Isn't this normal? Things happen when you least expect it.

My condolences to him and his loved ones.

It is over

Hmm, Greece won. Shows that you need determination and discipline to win, plus a dose of good luck. That is something Malaysian sportspeople must learn I think.

On another note, would anyone be watching the Asia Cup and Copa America? :P Copa America maybe, Asia Cup no way.

Sunday, July 04, 2004


Waiting for Euro 2004 Final
Hmm, think Greece can do it again?

No longer stuck

"Stuck In A Moment" by U2

I'm not afraid
Of anything in this world
There's nothing you can throw at me
That I haven't already heard

I'm just trying to find
A decent melody
A song that I can sing
In my own company

I never thought you were a fool
But darling look at you
You gotta stand up straight
Carry your own weight
These tears are going nowhere baby

You've got to get yourself together
You've got stuck in a moment
And now you can't get out of it

Don't say that later will be better
Now you're stuck in a moment
And you can't get out of it

I will not forsake
The colors that you bring
The nights you filled with fireworks
They left you with nothing

I am still enchanted
By the light you brought to me
I listen through your ears
Through your eyes I can see

And you are such a fool
To worry like you do
I know it's tough
And you can never get enough
Of what you don't really need now
My, oh my

You've got to get yourself together
You've got stuck in a moment
And you can't get out of it

Oh love, look at you now
You've got yourself stuck in a moment
And you can't get out of it

I was unconscious, half asleep
The water is warm 'til you discover how deep

I wasn't jumping, for me it was a fall
It's a long way down to nothing at all

You've got to get yourself together
You've got stuck in a moment
And you can't get out of it

Don't say that later will be better
Now you're stuck in a moment
And you can't get out of it

And if the night runs over
And if the day won't last
And if our way should falter
Along the stony pass

And if the night runs over
And if the day won't last
And if your way should falter
Along this stony pass

It's just a moment
This time will pass

And he shall be unleashed